Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Little Parental Jealousy is Okay Right?

Like many in the area, I spent most of my Saturday working outside on yard chores and getting the yard ready for the warmer weather. It was an unseasonably warm day and I was able to accomplish almost everything I had planned. During the middle of the day something happened that gave me an unfamiliar "twinge" of parental jealousy and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

Abby went to a neighbors house for a little while to ride bikes and play outside with the other little people her age. Elise hung out with me in the front yard and "played" in the Barbie Jeep while I was working in the yard. After a little while Abby was brought back by the neighbor family while they were headed to a birthday party. About five minutes later the mom was walking back up the street toward her house and I yelled out, "now that is my kind of party!". I was thinking she probably forgot something and was headed back in just a moment. But, that wasn't the case. This was a party where you bring your little people and drop them off and come back in a couple of hours when the party is over. At that point I realized, "that is never going to be us".

It is a harsh reality that I generally try often not to think about. I don't blame others for this, nor do I think it is wrong. I understand. Really. But, that doesn't make it any easier. For some reason, people aren't sending party announcements by the dozens that include bringing Elise and dropping her off for parties. Honestly, I am sad for her (and for us as well) that will likely never come to be. It is difficult to think that she isn't able to run around with friends and play in the same way that many others are able. I would love for her to be able to run around at a park, go bowling with friends, go swimming, or just about any other routine childhood activity. But the reality is that she is unable to do all of that in the same way most others are able.

I saw those parents as they enjoyed a couple hours of free time. They didn't do anything terribly romantic or relaxing during their own personal retreat. As a matter of fact, they were working in their yard and cleaning their garage much like I was. But, that wasn't the point. They enjoyed a couple of hours of uninterrupted time to get some things done around their house and their kids were able to play with others and have a great time. Luckily for me, Elise got really tired and went inside for a nap shortly after the party started. That's about the same thing right? At least, that is what I am going to tell myself. 

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