Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Isn't Technology Great?!?!?!?!

As most people know, my "home" is in the Kansas City metro area, but I live and work all week in Manhattan, KS which is about 2 hours away from my home. That means, 5 days a week I don't get to tuck in my kids, kiss them good night, or provide any direct support to my wife. Sadly, I don't get to tuck her in or kiss her good night either!

I am thankful that we are in the 21st century and that there are many other ways in which I can stay connected to my family. I am thankful for cell phones, Facebook, and Skype! Kelly and I generally talk a couple of times per day, I "stalk" her on Facebook, and the four of us Skype each night right before the kids go to bed. The kids are always genuinely excited to see me, but they are only 4 and 6. The excitement is gone two minutes into the conversation and they are ready to move on. Sadly, it just isn't the same. Unfortunately, tonight was one of those nights when it just didn't work. The weather is not the best here and it isn't the best there either. So, the call quality stunk and cut us off much quicker than normal.

I realize it is a small thing. I know I am not in the military, stationed halfway around the world and only able to talk on occasion when the timing is right for everyone. But, it still doesn't make it any easier. Because of circumstances, mostly out of our control, we have spent a lot of time apart in the last several years. No amount of technology makes up for being home every day and "experiencing" everything that is family life.

In a recent trip to the Hoover Dam we learned about the people that built the dam. It was constructed during the Great Depression. The men building the dam came from all over the country, worked seven days per week, and only got 2 days per YEAR off. They worked this schedule for 3 years! Those men didn't see their family either. Many of those men left directly from building the dam into the service for World War 2 where they were apart from their families for several more years. I cannot imagine going a 5-10 year stretch without seeing my family!

In the end, I am thankful that I wasn't around during those tough times. I will take the really slow connection from Skype and be thankful that I got to see my family at all. It's not the same as being there, but it is a far cry from the old days!

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