Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Play Time at Our House

Sometimes I watch my kids playing and I think, "Is it like this in other houses?" You will notice in the picture that Abby is wearing an oxygen mask (her baby is also wearing an oxygen mask), she has a real stethoscope (or telescope as she calls it) around her neck, a real blood pressure cuff and medicine syringe, and some play medicine and a play stethoscope. Isn't this "normal"?

Sometimes I laugh when I hear her playing by herself. Some of the things she is saying to her babies, and sometimes to Elise, are verbatim things that have been said to her or us at a recent doctors appointment or hospital stay. Much like us, it has just become second nature. Abby knows that most kids don't have to go to the doctor every few days, don't wear helmets, and don't have feeding tubes. But, it is a part of her life just like ours and she has learned to embrace it. Maybe she will grow up to comfort other kids and adults going through medical situations in life just like she has watched!

Abby spent the evening trying to diagnose what "itus" everyone in the house would be diagnosed with. Not too far of a stretch since 3 people are on Tamiflu! She has a very active imagination and understands way more than a 4 year old should about many medical ailments. Her compassion and attitude toward all that she experiences is quite amazing to me. It truly is amazing what kids can "get used to". Do other 4 year olds hold "buckets" for their sister while they are throwing up? Try to comfort them when they are having seizures? Explain to visiting adults that they don't need to worry, what they are experiencing at our house is normal? Abby does that. As my wife has told me "Normal is just a setting on the dryer." I suppose not every one's normal looks the same.